OGMA Cooled Astronomy Camera IMX571 (sensor view dark background)

Manual for OGMA AP08CC, AP26CC & AP26MC

Learn how to use AP08CCAP26CC, and AP26MC with help from our engineers and community.

This living manual aggregates practical input submitted by users like you with input from our engineers. We believe you are the real expert and that our engineers are here to support you. This manual will evolve as a living document, so we recommend you bookmark this page and come back to it often for fresh information.

We don't print this manual for usability, cost, and environmental reasons. Specifically, we always want it to be up-to-date for you. We don't want it to increase the final price of your camera, and we don't want it to kill our planet's precious trees. 

Please ask questions, submit additions, and suggest edits anytime