For Linux Users

If you use Debian, Ubuntu, or any of their derivatives, you can connect to your OGMA cameras using INDI. Here’s a concise guide to help you install INDI and KStars, an astronomy software to manage your imaging sessions.

Installation Steps

  1. Update Your System:

    sudo apt-get update
  2. Remove Existing KStars Installation:

    sudo apt-get purge kstars kstars-data
  3. Add the INDI Repository:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
  4. Install INDI and KStars:

    sudo apt-get install indi-full kstars

For Other Linux Versions

If you are using other Linux distributions, you may need to build INDI and KStars from the source. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Building INDI Core Library:
  2. Building INDI 3rd Party Drivers:

These instructions will guide you through checking out the code and building it. They also provide links to FAQs and the INDI Forum for further assistance.

By following these steps, you should be able to install INDI and KStars and connect your OGMA cameras to manage your imaging sessions efficiently.