OGMA cameras are some of the most compatible on the market
Connect natively:
Some imaging software, such as N.I.N.A. and APT, will automatically recognize OGMA cameras without installing a driver.
If you have software that supports the camera natively, select the camera listed under OGMA. Don't select the camera under ASCOM.

Connect using the ASCOM Platform (Windows):
ASCOM provides an open standard interface for astronomy equipment that is widely accepted.
To use the OGMA ASCOM compatible driver, do as follows:
If you haven't done so yet, download and install the ASCOM platform
Download and install the OGMA ASCOM driver for Windows (Version 6.5.26247 - August 06, 2024).
Connect using DirectShow (Windows):
DirectShow (or DShow) limits the speed of USB connections; therefore, you should use DirectShow only when no other option is available within your imaging software.
Download the OGMA DShow driver for Windows.
Connect using the INDIGO Platform (Multiplatform):
The modern INDIGO platform supports OGMA since version 2.0-222.
AstroImager supports OGMA cameras since the release of version 4.7-755.
Learn more about INDIGO at and
Connect using the INDI Platform (MacOS and Linux):
See more details below and checkout the manual for a known issue about adding the AP08CC camera to INDI.
With the release of version 2.0.1 of the INDI platform on March 31, 2023, users on MacOS and Linux will be able to connect to OGMA cameras from their imaging software. This release will enable support in Astroberry and StellarMate. Users can select their OGMA cameras inside imaging software like KStars.
Firmware Updates
Firmware Update for AP08CC
We pride ourselves on utilizing cutting-edge technology, such as the advanced Starvis2 technology from SONY, which is integrated into the AP08CC camera. To ensure you always experience the best, we encourage you to consult the AP08CC firmware update guide. This guide allows you to verify your current version and seamlessly upgrade when needed.
Firmware Update for GP678C and GP678M
We have published a firmware update for GP678C and GP678M cameras to address compatibility issues with astronomy software such as NINA and SharpCap. Please consult the GP678 firmware update guide to determine if your camera needs this update and how to apply it.
Firmware Update for the filter Wheels
Please visit this page for files and instructions.
Software that has been tested with OGMA (in alphabetical order)
APT - Astro Photography Tool
APT, or "AstroPhotography Tool," is a versatile software for astro imaging, supporting a wide range of cameras and devices since 2009, developed with insights from global astro photographers, compatible with MS Windows Vista through Windows 11.
A Raspberry Pi image that contains a suite of pre-installed programs to manage your astrophotography equipment and imaging sequences
AstroDMx Capture
Nicola Amanda Mackin developed a cross-platform astronomical image capture application on Fedora Linux. Nicola ported AstroDMx to the Raspberry Pi OS (32 and 64-bit), macOS, Windows 10/11, and ChromeOS running under the Crostini virtual environment.
A front end for imaging and auxiliary devices INDIGO agents. Its purpose is to control the primary imaging camera, filter wheel, and focuser to allow proper framing, focusing, and capturing from a single batch of images to a complicated series of images with different parameters and settings.
A complete ecosystem for control and automation of astronomical devices generally used with LINUX and MAC operative systems. It includes software like KSTARS and EKOS
A suite of planetary capture tools
A software to automate the process of taking images of deep sky objects such as nebula and galaxies using a sequencing model
Telescope guiding software that simplifies the process of tracking a guide star. It can be used in combination with other sequencing software, such as N.I.N.A.
Software for astro imaging including Planetary, Lunar, Solar, Deep Sky, and EAA (Electronically Assisted Astronomy)
Did we miss anything?
If you know of an astronomy imaging software that cannot connect to OGMA, to if you are the developer of an astronomy software and want to integrate the OGMA cameras into your software, please let us know.