Power Connection


The recommended power source is the 12V DC 3A power adapter supplied with the camera.

The physical dimensions of the power interface located on the back of the camera are 5.5 x 2.1mm.

When you are away from a residential power outlet, you may use a power bank or a battery that produces a DC voltage between 11V and 14V. Remember that a voltage below or above this range could damage your camera and void the warranty.

Note that some batteries sold as 12V could output a higher voltage when fully charged and a lower voltage when they are almost depleted. In general, it is recommended that you test your battery's actual voltage before connecting a camera.

Power usage

Depending on your environment and configurations, the power requirements may be different.

To give you an idea, the power demand oscillates between 4 Watts and 24 Watts at room temperature with the TE cooler turned ON while the sensor cools down. 

Here are some real-life measurements:

TE Cooling Power

Energy Demand (Watt)









We do not recommend using the camera with the TE cooler OFF because it can get very hot.